Advanced Earthing (Grounding)

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Why take the Advanced Earthing (Grounding) series of courses?

Competent earthing design is an absolute prerequisite to protect lives from the harmful effects of high-voltage (during a fault). However, the discipline of earthing design demands an in-depth understanding of many complex interrelated engineering concepts that test the engineering and academic skills to the max.

Recent developments in international and national standards have proven to be real game-changers in the methodology and their requirements for compliance. The bar has been raised, and demonstrating ‘real’ design competence for Earthing (grounding) to de-risk your business is paramount for a safety-critical specialist component.

The GreyMatters “Advanced Earthing” is broken down into three levels (level I, level II and level III). Level I course has a blended approach across the topic of earthing (grounding) design for high-voltage systems. Systematically broken down into logical easily absorbed sessions, tutorials and presentations, this course will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • In-depth understanding of Earthing Design concepts;
  • Earth leakage at the interface;
  • Corrosion;
  • Current density and soil conduction;
  • Earth Potential Rise (EPR) calculation and analysis;
  • Calculate touch and step hazards;
  • Ampacities;
  • Human fibrillation thresholds;
  • Geology – Soil resistivity, Soil model optimisation and analysis;
  • Split factor calculation;
  • Latest applicable Standards;
  • Demonstrate measurement techniques at work;
  • Sources of measurement error and mitigation;
  • Mutual couplings and impressed voltages;
  • Installation methods.

Who should engage:

  • People seeking a greater level of confidence when involved in earthing design;
  • Design engineers from associated disciplines (Electrical);
  • Graduate engineers as a precursor to life experience
  • Engineers involved in delivering projects with earthing
  • Engineering approvers and checkers to refresh and stay current

Pre-existing knowledge: Given, this is the more advanced of the six-part series, there is a requirement for previous academic underpinning for this module (Faraday’s law). This module’s content is delivered in plain, easy-to-understand English with supporting physics/maths.

Concepts are reinforced with practical real-life examples (videos) and understanding is regularly tested throughout. On completion of the course, each delegate will have the option to take a formal assessment – the results submitted are evaluated and further one-to-one advice and mentoring are available to address any weaknesses identified in understanding, ensuring a good level is attained.