Customer FeedBack

Tom McNulty

Cadent Gas

4 /10/5

The webinar was well presented

I thought the webinar was well presented and gave me a good understanding of how the software can be used to build models an run simulations to give accurate information that will be input into the detailed design.
Posted: 4 years ago
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Colin Sanders

5 /10/5

Excellent webinar- Very good information delivery & flow !

Posted: 4 years ago
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Mathew Howells

InSite Technical Services

5 /10/5

Great webinar, well presented with lots of good information.

Posted: 4 years ago
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John Akpe

Achijon Nig Ltd

5 /10/5

Your webinar presentations are informative

These materials for lighting protection systems
Posted: 4 years ago
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Satha M

Acuity System Consultants

4 /10/5


GreyMatters brings together experienced subject matter experts to throw light on matters that are often described as being somewhat grey! Thank you kindly. Satha
Posted: 4 years ago
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Paul Hurt

P & R Hurt

5 /10/5

Engaging, Interesting with relevant information which was on topic.

Engaging: The speakers were well versed in the subject, they retained my Interest by presenting relevant information in a understandable way without talking down to the audience.
Posted: 4 years ago
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