An Introduction to HV Earthing (For Lightning Protection Technicians) – Group Licence E-Learning Course

Licence Type

Group Licence


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Introduction to HV Earthing (For Lightning Protection Technicians)

A new course to help you take the first step on a journey from zero to hero.

The Introduction to HV Earthing (for lightning protection technicians)e-learning course is available as a single licence only.

As part of today’s requirements, a competent earthing design is an absolute prerequisite to protect lives from the harmful effects of high-voltage which exist during a fault situation.

Because of, recent developments in international and national standards have proven to be real game-changers in the methodology. And their requirements for compliance. Therefore, the bar, now raised. Demonstrating design competence for Earthing (grounding) to de-risk your business is paramount for a safety-critical specialist component.

Hence, the GreyMatters “Introduction to Earthing developed to take you on your first step. In other words, on a journey from zero to hero.

This course is a high-level intuitively based view across the topic of earthing (grounding). Together with the design of high-voltage systems, systematically broken down into logical, easily absorbed sessions.

And, this online training for earthing course will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Greater awareness of Earthing Design concepts.
  • Refresh the basics of your understanding of electricity.
  • Provide clarity on the purpose of earthing.
  • Explain touch and step hazards.
  • Understand what fibrillation is and, why it is essential for the earthing designer.
  • Awareness of the importance of Geology and why it plays such an essential role in earthing design.
  • Receive a full explanation of the Fault theory.
  • Illustrate the design “Process” and applicable Standards.
  • Demonstrate measurement techniques at work.
  • People who seek a higher level of confidence when discussing projects involving earthing.
  • Engineers/Project managers from disciplines other than the electrical field.
  • Graduate engineers as a precursor to life experience.
  • Construction/civil engineers involved in delivering projects with earthing or earthing design risk factors.
  • Directors and VP’s of all disciplines who wish to refresh and stay current.

As a first step, this course is the first in a six-part series. Therefore, there is no requirement for previous academic underpinning for this module (at this stage). Also, this module’s content, delivered in plain, easy-to-understand English and each delegate led through the basic earthing concepts without calculation.

Which means, concepts reinforced with practical, real-life examples (videos), and understanding also your understanding regularly tested throughout. So, on completion of the course, each delegate will have the option to take a formal assessment – the results submitted get evaluated. Where needed, further one-to-one advice and mentoring are available to address any weaknesses identified in understanding, and, ensure a reasonable level attained.

The Introduction to HV Earthing (For Lightning Protection Technicians) Licence


The Introduction to HV Earthing (For Lightning Protection Technicians) Licence
