Soil Resistivity Part 2 – How to process the data

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Why You Should Attend

In any design/installation – starting with a solid, reliable data-set that you have confidence in, is super important. So, understanding what a ‘good’ set of measurements looks like versus what an erroneous set looks like is critical.
All safety-related calculations are based on this fundamental piece of information – the soil model. Get this right and everything is golden but get this WRONG and the entire project can be based on misguided assumptions which can be expensive to reverse at best, and outright dangerous at worst!
So, learn where the errors can creep in and why. Learn the common mistakes to avoid so that your project, your tests, are technically secure when they fall under the spotlight of close scrutiny.

Webinar Outcomes

After watching this webinar you will start to understand what a good data-set of soil measurements looks like, and conversely when a set of soil resistivity measurements are simply bad.

You will learn why errors can emerge and what to do about it, in the field and during the analysis.

Getting reliable Soil resistivity data is a fundamental requirement to every Earthing Design. Make sure you know what it takes and importantly what to avoid when examining, processing and delivering your soil model data.

Who should attend?

This webinar is right for you if you are…

  • Responsible for a field team that delivers Earth testing or installations
  • Someone who does Earth Testing already
  • Responsible for subcontracting Earth Testing/Soil measurements.
  • Responsible for delivering Earthing/grounding system design
  • Responsible for a budget and who organises and leads a design/project team
  • Responsible for subcontracting Earthing design and/or installations

Do you need to be a technical person to attend?

If you are someone that organises the Soil Resistivity measurement task but does not actually ‘do’ the field-work, then an appreciation of the task is sufficient. However, a reasonable level of practical knowledge is assumed if you ‘do’ measuring yourself.

Presented By:

Hugh Wren

Our Own In-House Expert

Hugh started his professional career with National Grid UK in transmission and has been working on Earthing Design across Europe on large-scale projects and AC/DC Rail applications in the UK. Also includes international projects in the Middle East and Africa. Experience and fully certified CDEGS – HIFREQ and MALZ.

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